
There are many no-go's.... Don't just go into a shop and buy the "right" dress straight away. You are so overwhelmed by your feelings that you can quickly be seduced into a dress and a style that, in retrospect, may not suit you at all. The first shop may have the perfect dress, of course, but you won't know until you've compared it to others. Don't be ashamed to say that you want to think it over again.
Maybe it helps to go to a shop once with your mother and mother-in-law and next time take your best friends with you and then visit a third bridal fashion shop all by yourself. This way you have a much better overview of your own tastes. In the wedding frenzy, it's far too easy to be influenced by others and it has to be the perfect dress for the bride to meet her future husband and spend the whole evening in.
This brings us to another point: it should be comfortable and you should be able to move around in it without constraint. The day and the night are very long. If after just a few minutes you get the impression that the dress is constricting or too heavy, it's better not to wear it. An alternative is to have 2 dresses, one for the ceremony and the other for the casual evening. Another great idea is to buy great white sneakers that you can just slip into and dance away. This can be a great eye-catcher for the photos, if the groom also plays this shoe-switching game and possibly puts on the same pair in black.
That brings us to the colours for the outfits, where a lot has changed in the last few years. Nowadays, everything is allowed and both the bride and the groom can let off steam. In Luxembourg, white-beige tones are still the most popular for the bride, while more and more grooms are choosing check patterns or green-blue tones. So clearly away from black and these great new colours combined with braces and bow ties immediately make the whole thing much smarter. Brides are also increasingly seen wearing denim jackets or other modern accessories. The feel-good factor is important!
The custom of something borrowed, something blue and something old still exists in Luxembourg, but fewer and fewer brides are sticking to it. Just as the garter is no longer a must. It usually stings so much that it just becomes a nuisance during the day. In the past, there were also strict rules for the guests, so it absolutely had to be a white shirt, nowadays you see all colours and styles, even fancy shorts don't seem to be taboo anymore. For the female guests, however, white and black are still the colours you really shouldn't wear. Again, if you are not wearing a white dress, inform your guests! It is important that the colour of the wedding dress is unique on the day.